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As a member of Shiloh United Methodist Church, you will soon experience the power of healing through service. Our various Missions offer different opportunities for members to give back to the community in honor of Our Savior, who sacrificed so much for us. Shiloh United Methodist Church has a ministry fit for you, whatever your age and stage of life. 

Scroll down to learn about a few of our missions! To view all of our opportunities, click here

Star String Lights


Shiloh children and adults have helped in Bible School and with special projects, and missions, with tasks ranging from construction, health clinics, organization, training/teaching, to anything else that will help in the well being of the children. Because several of the children are orphans, the school provides orphanage care for them as well. Shiloh personnel have been instrumental in helping with the supplies, equipment, health care, and administration for Bright Star through their non profit foundation based in Kokomo. The foundation is also the umbrella group for supporting Little Angels Preschool and the Thika Orphanage.



After taking missionary trips to India, South America, and Central America, Kokomo native Dr. Chuck Dietzen began the Timmy Foundation in 1997, so named for a younger brother who died in infancy.  This nonprofit group has channeled medical work around the globe, but currently is concentrating on Nigeria, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Colombia as well as outreaches to Native Americans and groups in Indianapolis.  It also made a donation of medical supplies to the crisis in Haiti after the hurricanes.  Shiloh has sent many people to Ecuador to help Dr. Chuck's outreach in the last two decades.  We have helped in orphanages, preschools, medical clinics, and consultations similar to Habitat for Humanity.  We appreciate Dr. Chuck's message and update of his work each year on or about Super Bowl Sunday.  We sponsor a soup lunch and give his foundation all the profits.  Contact the foundation through Timmy Global Health.  22 E. 22nd Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202.  The phone is 317-920-1822.

Missions: Ministries


Learning to Give Back

The Lowell and Helen Spraker Memorial Butterfly Garden began as an outreach of Shiloh's Earth Stewardship Committee.  The group is now a subset of the Missions team.  The garden is at the south end of the parking lot and features perennials known to attract pollinators.  The patch of milkweed is especially valuable in helping monarch butterflies.  The garden features over 30 kinds of flowers that bloom from April through November.  The team is working to have the garden 100% perennials by 2021.  Several species are native to Indiana.  The garden is open year round for enjoyment and meditation.

Missions: Ministries
World Peace


1.  Bashor Children's Home (Indiana)
2.  Blanket Sunday (National/World)
3.  Blood Drive (Local/National)
4.  Bona Vista (Local)
5.  Bright Star School (International)
6.  CAM (Local)
7.  CASA (Local)
8.  Collections (Local/World)
9.  CSI Ministries, Inc. (National/World)
10.  Domestic Violence Shelter Local
11.  Earth Stewardship (Local)
12.  ECHO (National/World)
13.  Family in Need (Local)
14.  Haitian Environmental Support Program (International)
15.  Heifer Project National/World
16.  Henderson Settlement National
17.  Herbst Apothecary Local
18.  Howard Haven   Local
19.  Imagine No Malaria/nothingbutnets World
20.  Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home Indiana
21.  Kenneth Vance World Mission
22.  Kokomo Rescue Mission Local
23.  KUO Local
24.  Lucille Raines Home Indiana
25.  Meals on Wheels Local
26.  MUFF Local
27.  Nome Community Center National
28.  Northwestern Guidance Help Local
29.  Open Arms Local
30.  Red Bird National
31.  Relay for Life Local/ National
32.  ReYoAd Indiana
33.  Salvation Army Local
34.  Samaritan Caregivers Local
35.  Sudan World
36.  Timmy Global Health/Dr. Chuck Dietzen National/World
37.  Trips to Foreign Missions World
38.  UMCOR United States National

Missions: About
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